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The ID Community Publications are an international media platform addressing the global audience of decision makers and key players on both the vendor and on the user side.
End Users: print editions of our magazines are circulated free of charge to 10,000 qualified readers, selected from our pool of 60,000 qualified readers according to the specific topics covered (see table below).
Vendors: on a subscription-based level, our publications are read by 4,217 readers (as of September 1st 2012).
Bonus circulation: each issue of our publications also targets a select number of relevant international trade fairs and congresses, resulting in a bonus distribution of 2,000 to 4,000 copies.
Our Annual Buyer’s Guide is circulated to more than 30,000 contacts.


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editorial: idpublications(at)
advertising: idsales(at)
Tel: +39 02 89034121

Please contact us for assistance in the planning of your advertising campaigns and see below our editorial calendar 2014

Editorial Calendar 2014

Main Editorial Contents Global Identification ID People ID WORLD Sustainable Development
 January Pharma & Healthcare Global Security Annual Viewpoint Smart Cities
February Smart Supply Chains mGovernment Data Collection National Registers
March Citizen Services Retail TOP 25 Animal ID Urban Security
April Going Contactless Customs and Borders Cards Global Mobility
May Industrial
Unique ID RFID Managing Resources
June eGovernment Critical Infrastructures TOP 50 ePassport Infrastructures
July Transport & Logistics Cybersecurity Access Control Data Collection
August Digital Networks Manufacturing & Distribution Biometrics Civic Connectivity
September Payment Systems Postal Innovation TBD Supply Chains
October Secure Documents  Asset Tracking TOP 25 Anti-counterfeiting Smart Services
November Border Control Citizen IDs TOP 50 Mobile Authentication Digital Management
December Healthcare Innovation Vertical Viewpoints 2015 Buyer’s Guide Trends & Markets

(Note: We reserve the right to make changes to the editorial calendar at any time to better cover the latest market and technology trends)