Latest ID WORLD TV interviews

Peter Choong, CEO, Pradotec, expands on current eID solutions and the variety of additional applications they offer to citizens such as banking, eDrivers licence and eHealthcare, which need to be robust and scalable. (Watch video!)


Manuel Villamayor, Director Government & Secure Identification Segment, NagraID, emphasizes the importance of looking at the entire solution of national ID programs and the challenges governments face when they need to evaluate the overall costs related to these solutions including maintenance that follows initial implementation. (Watch video!)


Armando Jorge Lucrécio, Lab Manager – Flextronics Institute of Technology, Brazil, talks about a combined effort with HP to implement RFID at item level, as well as a current project of RFID-as-a-system offering real-time access to information.
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Hamman Riza, Director ICT Center – Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), Indonesia, speaks about the successful enrollment process of 145 million citizens in Indonesia and the next steps, which includes a range of applications of the new eIDs such as eVoting.
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Elkin Velasquez, Director of the Regional Office for the Caribbean and Latin America – The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, expands on how creating an enabling environment for IT companies and digital stakeholders through policy, planning and good governance allows for collaboration and consequently improved urban life.
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Suvi Lindén , ITU Special Envoy from the UN Broadband Commission, expands on the deployment of broadband and how it is supporting the fight against crime through immediate access to networks and information.
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Ülo Säre , CEO, Reach-u, speaks about current projects combining mobile networks and locating software to provide applications for vertical sectors such as emergency services.

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Ruth Annus, Head of Migration and Border Policy Department with the Ministry of Interior, Estonia speaks about cross-border ID issues and different approaches to cope with global economic interconnectivity from interoperability to common standards.
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Sture Udd, CEO, UpCode, opens the debate on face recognition as the most acceptable biometric identifier for global ID programs, discussing the research surrounding this to make it more efficient and accurate.

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Fausto Lugo García, Civil Protection Secretary with Mexico City Government expands upon How Mexico City’s newly implemented command and control operations are set to improve life and security for its citizens through urban-wide networks.

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Steven M. Martinez, Executive Assistant Director Science and Technology Branch of the FBI, discusses law enforcement and the different technologies that are being developed, used and leveraged on by the FBI for ensuring safety of citizens through identity intelligence.
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Stan Sroka, Senior Vice President with Datalogic Industrial Automation, speaks about the importance and complexity of logistics, the role of data and how to turn it to competitive advantage for logistics providers throughout the supply chain.

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Max Snijder, CEO of European Biometrics Group, discusses the role of the EAB and the expansion of biometrics for project collaboration to bring together government and industry for new opportunities, as well as furthering testing methodologies and evaluation.
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Erkki Koort, Deputy Secretary General for Internal Security Policy at the Ministry of the Interior of Estonia, outlines Estonia’s position and leading role in establishing technologies, which underpin the development of identification systems and data.

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Lt. Col. Abdullah Mohammed Al Jabri, Director General of Information Technology, Royal Oman Police, speaks about Oman’s pioneering national system surrounding the country’s smart ID program, its many applications and specific deployments.

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Richard Kerby, Inter-Regional Adviser from the United Nations, discusses open data and how this can lead to new avenues of growth for today’s economies through innovation and development trends within both the public and private sectors.

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Eng Majed Bin Anzzan, General Manager of e-Mall, part of Saudi Post, explains how the e-Mall project has developed, since its launch, into a strategic business unit with a view to expand operations within Saudi Arabia’s e-commerce networks.

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Tiina Vuorio, CEO of Agaidi, expands upon the provision of technology for wireless communication systems combining ultra low power RFID and display technologies to monitor and locate assets and access points through cloud software.

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Stefano Manservisi, DG Home Affairs at the European Commission, discusses increased mobility and security in society and the efforts undertaken by the European Commission to establish a policy line in which security and freedom can be enriched.

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Dr. William Ahadzie, CEO of the National Identification Authority of Ghana, outlines the background to Ghana’s drive to introduce an ID system in the country in terms of past attempts and current implementation and attendant benefits.

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Kameran Abdulrahman, Director General Ministry of Interior of the Kurdistan Regional Government, discusses developments in security in Kurdistan and the specific challenges this region of Iraq faces in terms of combating terrorism and organized crime.

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Ralph Markert, Assistant Director at Interpol’s General Secretariat, explains Interpol’s preferred travel document, which allows its officials to reach special visa status with member countries when traveling throughout the world on urgent missions.

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Paul Martin, Managing Director of Planet Retail, speaks about retail analysis and data and how changes in multi-channel environments, such as on-line, in retail are presenting major challenges for retailers in terms of the shift of power to the shoppers.
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