Print and Digital Publications: a rich mix of expert opinion, reports on new technologies and advanced applications, directories of Top Suppliers

Access world-class content via our print and digital publications as a regular subscriber to the ID Community Publications platform:

  • Global Identification reports on the trends that will have the most significant impact on future ICT-driven innovation and ID solutions in the different verticals.

  • ID People interviews introduce the decision makers fostering ICT-driven innovation and the ID Revolution in all sectors, presenting their vision of a technology-based society.

  • ID WORLD directories present the players of the auto ID industries focusing on applications, systems and components based on leading-edge ID technologies.

  • Sustainable Development print editions and newsletters address decision makers and prime end-users of ICT-based systems and ID technologies engaging them with a forward-thinking community through advanced interaction schemes.

The ID Community Publications are a unique editorial platform designed for executives and managers involved in creating a competitive advantage for their organizations through the deployment of advanced ICT and identification technologies such as RFIDsmart cardsbiometrics, and data collection.

As the voice of the ID Revolution Community, the ID Community publications cover some of the most pressing challenges facing companies and governments today: homeland security, control of the distribution chain, IT security, urban mobility and citizen services, digital identity management, animal identification and many others.

Newsletter: focused content for select audiences

Receive tailored content on specific topics as one of our discrete audience groups

The ID Revolution Community Newsletter is sent out once per month focusing on key areas in an empowered digital program disseminating best content to audiences specifically interested in the topics of the month.

Other vertical Newsletters are being published with the same frequency for select audiences.

Content is expertly selected to be ‘on-topic’ from the ID Community Publications’ different initiatives offering an interconnected fusion of articles, news, interviews and more.